Training Details

VFA Name:
Venue: Eguvaveedi
Topic Name: others (text)
Agenda: Issue of Renewal Licenses to the Marine Fishing Craft
Name of the Trainer: Hemanth
Topic Covered: 17
Date of Training: 06 May, 2021
Is Resource Person Attended: NO
Sector Name: Inland

Training Documents

Training Photo - 1:
Training Photo - 2:

Training Farmers

Farmer Name S/O Aadhar Mobile Status
Rami reddy bathi reddy XXXXXXXX0033 XXXXXXXX68 YES
bola Muni reddy XXXXXXXX5435 XXXXXXXX59 YES
Chengalaraya bathi reddy XXXXXXXX8244 XXXXXXXX70 YES
Muni reddy Krishna reddy XXXXXXXX3729 XXXXXXXX59 YES

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